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Reiki Self Cleansing: An Important Tool for Reiki Practitioners 

Reiki offers a clean, potent and beautiful form of pure healing as it relies on raw energy for creating equilibrium and balance. Educators who claim to offer beneficial assistants in energy healing must ensure consistency in value add otherwise the effectiveness becomes nullified. This functions where self cleansing in Reiki proves incredibly crucial. Self cleansing is an essential practice in the Islamic faith involved in practicing reiki self cleansing, or the shedding of reticent or unnecessary energy in the body, so that unlimited energy to flow into the body, and emotions, as well as physical and spiritual aspects are well maintained.

Here, we will discuss the concept of self cleansing in reiki, its significance, different ways through which it can be enabled in one’s reiki practice, and the different ways through self cleansing enables one’s practice. We will also analyze hurdles to self cleansing mechanisms and provide practical measures to incorporate the practice into one’s daily life.

What is Self Cleansing in Reiki?

According to reiki practitioners, self cleasning is the action of cleansing one’s body from all negativity or stagnant energy. As practitioners channel energy through and to themselves and others, they often come across negative energy, or unbalanced energies with clients they treat. This energy that does not get easily released can be stuck within the practitioner which in some cases leads to depletion of their own energy in turn impacting their emotional and physical well being. 

This self cleansing is very important for aspiring reiki practitioners to remove energy blockages and to ensure that they are in a balanced state when practising reiki return. The practitioner’s biodynamic system remains uncorrupted, refreshed and powerful through constant self-cleansing making the practitioner more powerful while carrying out reiki. 

Why Self Cleansing is Crucial for Reiki Practitioners

As reiki practitioners, it is inevitable that one engages with, the energy contained in the universe and other people. Failure to self cleanse may mean carrying with oneself negative energy which may affect one’s wellbeing, emotions, in some cases even the ability to perform reiki.

Here, we discuss important self cleansing exercises that reiki practitioners should consider doing:

  • Alleviates Energy Blockages: The practitioner may accumulate negative energy that could prevent the universal life force from flowing freely in their body, causing energy blockages, which may give rise to emotional and physical pain, preventing them from helping anyone in need of healing. Repetitive self-cleansing procedures significantly aid in eliminating these blockages and restoring the unimpeded flow of energy.
  • Reinforces Mental and Psychological Stability: Mental and emotional clarity is bound to be required for a reiki practitioner since they interact with energy. Self-cleansing exercises free a practitioners’ minds from emotional debris, which would otherwise obstruct effective interaction with universal energy. This is highly important during effective reiki sessions, when a practitioner needs to focus on the client(s).
  • Improves the Healing Process: Self-cleansing keeps the energy field within all practitioners balanced and clear, thus improving the healing process each time a practitioner channels healing energy to someone. If a practitioner’s self-cleansing is undisciplined, they will not be able to heal as effectively as they could if the energy within them was properly maintained and optimal.
  • Reinforces Bond with the Universal Energy: Self-cleansing increases the bond to the universal life force energy thereby allowing the practitioner to channel it more easily and effectively. An unsoiled and uncluttered energy field facilitates the practitioner’s access to the infinite resource of energy during Reiki deriving.
  • Enhances The Overall Well-being: Practitioners self cleansing as a form of Reiki not only has an effect on the energy field of the practitioner, but also contributes to the emotional, mental and physical health of the person. It promotes peace, balance and alignment which results in better health.

Common Self Cleansing Techniques Employed in Reiki

There are different self cleansing methods and techniques in reiki. Every technique has a focus to remove negative energy from the body and mind, restore the balance, and encourage healing. Here are some common self-cleaning methods that Reiki practitioners engage in:

  1. Meditation

Meditation is one of the best and easy ways of self cleansing. It aids in reaching a quiet mind, aligning to the energy within, and removing negative emotions or thoughts. The visual of breathing in and out energy flowing through the body in Reiki meditation enables energy practitioners as it infuses them with positive energy while cleansing off negative energy.

How to practice Reiki meditation:

  • Find a quiet area and sit in a comfortable position. 
  • Shut your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly.
  • Focus on an illuminating healing light positioned and hovering above your head and allow it to fill your entire being with positivity.
  • This time, breathing in positivity and breathing out negativities can be imagined with ease as you progress more further into meditation.
  • Keep practicing like this for a period of at least ten to fifteen minutes.
  1. Cleansing With the Use of Reiki Symbols

Reiki symbols are hued symbols that have deeper meanings that must be respected and are not to be misused. They can also be used by practitioners as a way of sending healing energies and even self-cleaning properly in its own therapeutic way. Along with other symbols the Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki symbols have also been used for self- cleaning purposes quite regularly and even now.

  • Cho Ku Rei: Usually referred to as the ‘Power Symbol’, this is said to emit increasing energy and removing blockages. Therefore if you visualize or draw this symbol over your body you eliminate negative energies from within and increase the incominghealing energies inside you
  • Sei He Ki: Sei He Ki is not only an ancient symbol, but also refers to the ’Emotional Healing Symbol’. This specific symbol is often used to restore or balance, emotional energy that is stored in a person’s body. By placing this symbol over the traumatized areas, the trapped emotions inside the energy field will be balanced.
  1. Breathing Exercises

Exercising the breath can be a great way to get rid of negative energy while also clearing out the body. When the body is tense, they may breathe deeply and at a slower rate to calm the mind while getting rid of stale energy. Many reiki practitioners incorporate breathing exercises into their practice to support their self-cleansing process. 

For self-cleansing through breathing, how is it done:

  • Once seated, close your eyes and find a comfortable position.
  • Slowly inhale through your nose while trying to fill your lungs with air as much as possible.
  • As your lungs are filled with air, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and then slowly begin to exhale through your mouth.

Once this is done, continue with deep breathing but make sure to visualize with each breath in, clean energy is drawn in while during the breathing out negative or stale energy is expelled.

  1. Using Crystals

Crystals are excellent implements for self cleansing and energy healing. It is known quite well that selenite, clear quartz and amethyst are crystals that have been known to store bad energy during the healing process. If these crystals are positioned on the body or placed around the area you are working in the cleansing process can be done more easily.

For self-cleansing, crystals how to use them:

  • Consciously intending to cleanse your energy, pick up a crystal, for example also a Clear Quartz and place it in your hand.
  • Set the crystal down on each part of your body that you feel has emotional heaviness or an energy blockage. 
  • To help develop a space for healing, consider placing crystals around your room. 
  1. Techniques for Visualization 

Visualization is useful tool for Reike self cleansing. All you would have to do is picture the energy circulating in your body which will allow you to release any negative energy. Visualization techniques also assist in enabling the Reiki practitioner to direct their focus towards a particular intent of cleansing and renewing the energy field. 

How to perform the visualization exercise for cleansing yourself: 

  • Shut your eyes and begin to inhale deeply while exhaling slowly. 
  • Picture a ray of light descending into your head from above and slowly moving inside your body. 
  • Focus on the light removing and discarding any bad energy and replenishing your body with warm and soothing energy. 
  • Visualize yourself and your surroundings for about 10-15 minutes while feeling calm and relaxed. 

Benefits of Performing Self Cleansing within the Reiki Practice State on Regular Basis

Reiki regulates at the same time helps sustain the self-cleansing practice on Reiki with regularity as it offers the practitioner a blend of advantages. Here’s how these advantages foster your self and dive deeper into your practice of Reiki: 

  • Increased energy: Self cleansing when done regularly ensures that there is free flow of energy in the body and smoothness of energy which means that you can perform Reiki even better on other people.
  • Improved Intuition: Every time I clear my energy, my Intuition gets heightened and helps in making this powerful connection with the energy of other people allowing me to be insightful during the healing sessions.
  • Improved Emotional Strength: Through regular cleansing, I am able to deal with emotional baggage in a healthier way thus actively improving my life and better emotional fortitude.
  • Improved Energetic Boundaries: When I practice self cleansing, I can protect myself from other people’s negative energy or the energy in my environment by having a clear boundary set.
  • Improved Energy Levels: Cleansing your energy should improve your health as any physical ailment is the result of an energy blockage and removing it should help.

Challenges Faced During Self Cleansing

Self cleansing is invaluable but doesnt come easy. Below are a few problems that Reiki practitioners can encounter while self-cleansing: 

You may have a hard time letting go of negative energy: Letting go of physical or emotional wounds that you have been carrying for quite some time can be tough at times.

  • Time Constraints: Those who have tight schedules may find it difficult to incorporate frequent self-cleanses into their lives.
  • Inconsistent practice: It is common for many practitioners to forget to self-cleanse, which creates imbalances.

To address this, it’s best to have a self-care plan in place, dedicate a few minutes of your day to self-cleansing and try your best to remain patient with the process.


Self cleansing is an important practice every Reiki practitioner should embrace to ensure their energy field is strong, balanced and clear. Practitioners have a way of enhancing their abilities to heal, close off their energy and foster a greater connection to the universal life energy, by incorporating regular self cleansing methods like meditation, etc.

As a Reiki practitioner, add self cleansing to the list of things that are important in your daily routine, so that you can offer your best energy.

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