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Reiki Levels 1-5 And The Use Of Crystals: All You Need To Know About The Reiki Crystals

Reiki therapy is a technique that is believed to reconnect with the energies which promotes healing. Japanese in origin, Reiki practice has enhanced over the years and now you can find multiple layers of Reiki which any practitioner can follow in order to expand their knowledge and scope. In this blog, we will explore the different levels of Reiki (1-5), the use of crystals in each level of Reiki, and finally what are the benefits of practicing Reiki. You have no experience or you have years of practicing Reiki, goes through the paragraphs below and you will find how these levels and crystals massage your healing ability and practice in a much profound way.

What is Reiki?

It is an ancient Japanese healing method that makes use of spiritual energies. This technique involves the use of universal life energy also referred to as ‘ki’ or in some cases ‘chi’. The practitioner transfers this energy by placing their hands above the recipient’s body allowing them to draw the needed energy into their body and mind. A circulation of energy tea composite hopes to achieve relaxation and aid in bodily healing and mental stability.

Reiki can be pretty effective because you channel the energy that exists in every living being. There’s no need to waste time honing any special skills. There is a plethora of conditions it treats as well including stress, anxiety, pain, trauma and some physical ailments.

Types of Reiki Levels 1-5

Every reiki level has its own unique teachings and symbols. There is a desired structure that limits where practitioners would be able to expand as it relates to their practice. But when it comes down to it, there are three primary levels of Reiki that are common; Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3, alongside this there are also level 4 and 5 that aren’t as commonly sought after. Following that up, we will provide insight into how crystals can amplify the reiki healing practice.

Reiki Level 1 – First Time Exploring The World Of Reiki  

Just like all the forms of art have them rookies, so does Reiki and it’s called Reiki Level 1 or Shoden. This is the very first step one takes into becoming a Reiki practitioner. Where in this process, the practitioner focusing mainly on Physical Healing is taught the basic concepts and the first phase of how to enable Reiki energy to course throughout their hand, through which they can heal themselves or any other individual.   

Reiki Level 1 Involves Crystals  

In order to focus the healing process or deepen the energy flow, crystals are frequently used during Reiki Level 1. Each type of crystal has its own distinctive characteristics, enabling it to aid in the healing process in a variety of ways. Amethyst is widely used for relaxation and emotional healing, while clear quartz helps boost the energy and intention of the practitioner. By applying crystals to the body of the patient, they are able to help clear blockages, integrate energy fields, and thereby aid in the healing process. Alongside this, crystals can also be applied to the chakra points to bring back balance to the body’s energy.

Reiki Level 1 advantages

  • Relief of discomfort and physical recovery.
  • Decrease in levels of stress and relaxation.
  • Better energy circulation.
  • Greater emotional equilibrium.
  • Growth in awareness and spirituality.

Reiki Level 2: The Professional Level

Reiki Level 2 is also referenced to as “Okuden” or practiced level. At this stage Level 2 students are educated about the possibilities of sending the reiki energy to someone from a distance. This level involves using sacred symbols and mantras to direct Reiki energy in a more enhanced manner. These practitioners are also taught how to utilize their intuition to determine and clear blockages within the client’s energy field during a distant healing session.

Reiki Level 2’s Crystals Applications

In level 2, stones are applied to amplify the focus energy of the reiki practitioner or to aid in sending energy to someone who is not physically present. Often used are selenite and lapiz lazuli to aid in the removal of negative energies while fostering mental clarity. Such stones assist the practitioner in feeling a sharper focus toward the energy they are transmitting. Further, rose quartz can be utilized to assist in the cultivation of unconditional love and compassion necessary for performing distant healing while making use of crystals. Crystals can be laid out on a distant healing grid so that the healer’s intention is sent from one specific point to a specific person.

Advantages of Reiki Level 2

  • Possibility of conducting virtual healing sessions
  • Improved understanding of spiritual mechanisms, as well as highly developed gut feeling
  • Healing emotional scars as well as letting go of suppression
  • More simultaneously active universal energy
  • Improved concentration and cognitive clearness when energizing

Reiki Level 3: The Last Phase 

Those who want to advance further from being a practitioner to a master can do so at the highest level, which is Reiki Level 3. It is also called “Shinpiden” or Master level. In this level students are introduced to the use of master symbol meant for activating the highest level of energy in a student. Not only Reiki level 3 practitioners are teaching, they can also initiate practitioners and teach them how to perform this practice through providing them with the necessary attunements. 

Crystals during Reiki Level 3 

With the crystals that are applied to the practitioner at the Master level, the energy of the Master and the healing would be enhanced in further healing processes. The black tourmaline is primarily used to wards off negative energy directed to the practitioner, while moonstone is great for expanding intuitive and spiritual vision. Fluorite is frequently employed in cleansing and aligning the chakras which enhance the energy flow. Crystals in this range can be placed on the energy centers of the practitioner, or in grids around the area of the Reiki Master’s energy output.

Reiki Level 3 Perks First Learn How To Master And Master Initiate Others To Teach Reiki Help Others Grow Spiritually Emotionally Heal Yourself Master Connection With The Divine To Level 4 Reiki Master Teacher Think Of It This Way Level 4 Of Reiki Beginning From Level 1 2 And 3 Is Improved Upon And Labelled As Level 4 For When One Wants To Teach Others The Self Healing Benefits Of Reiki This Type Of A Position Is Best Suited For A Level 4 Reiki Master At This Station One Reiki Level Four Reiki Master One Learns How To Perform Advanced Practices 

Such As Attunement Initiating Individuals At Various Levels Of Reiki In Short Starting From Tachers Advanced Methods That Include Properly Explaining PractitionersIgths Intermediary Students And So On To Students Guides This stage in Reiki Master Learners contains forms of performative exercises or assignments so that at the slow pace, clear lessons are incorporated alongside deep understanding through verbal methods.

Crystals In Reiki Level 4

When Teaching From The Formative Crystals Such As Amethyst Copper And Turquoise Are Considered To Be Essential Due To Their Great Benefits For An Effective Teacher For The Teacher Then Later The Students WIll Need To Amplify Their Energetics To Stand Out When Needing To Shove Or Push Onocreamers For Strengthen Or Confirmation, Confident Crystal and 钥匙 Or Key Stone Not Only That But They Are Also LearnersAmplay Strong Potent Crystal Energies And Cabs Erigeron End Wereamuy Of Getting Rid Of Usless Barries Of Energies That Are Not Useful For The Learning Environment.

Benefits of Reiki Level 4 

Ability to teach Reiki to the people Mastery of attunements and initiation Deepened spiritual connection and insight Increased confidence in teaching and healing Strengthened energy healing abilities Reiki Level 5: The Advanced Master Level Reiki Level 5 is an advanced level of Reiki that is not a common practice amongst the traditional systems of Reiki Training. This level takes those who feel that their skills can be elevated and desire a more profound understanding and connection to the universal life force energy. 

It entails advanced forms of symbols and some techniques which are meant for healing in a higher realm, healing of past lives, karmic timed blocks and more. Use of Crystals in Reiki Level 5 At this level, crystals are employed to help address and heal life challenges which are more issues related. Herb crystals like sage and amber are used to cleanse and prepare a person’s energy for a shift to a greater purpose.

A Diamond crystals are mostly used for helping with healing on a deeper level by removing layers of karmic patterns and even sorting out past life issues that remain. Crystals at this level are powerful tools for someone requiring manifestation and having the ability to deep change.

Gains of Reiki Level 5

  • Profound shifts and alterations on a spiritual level 
  • Disruption of reincarnational issues and karmic patterns
  • Symbols and advanced healing methods
  • Association with celestial beings and divine force
  • Improved abilities to heal someone on a soul level 

The Use of Crystals in Reiki

Reiki crystals emphasize and condense energy, making them crucial in the practice. Every crystal’s wire is unique and coincides with the chakras or energy bodies. Starting from using crystals in the practice empowers the practioners, helps them set their focus and intention, and further empowers the healing space.

As with other forms of energy work, crystals assist in balancing the body’s energy systems, removing obstructions and initiating emotional and physical healing. Additionally, crystals can be utilized to shield both the practitioner and the recipient from detrimental energy, thereby creating a conducive zone for healing.


Reiki is a healing technique with the great potential of altering a person’s life. It is an approach that not only focuses on emotional well-being but also spiritual and physical well-being. As defined in the previous chapter, the “levels of Reiki” allow practitioners to first be exposed Reiki as a whole and then become adept practitioners as the practitioner level increases. Each of these levels also incorporates the use of crystals which assist the healing process further. 

If it is your first encounter with Reiki or you absolutely have decades of experiences in it, its effects will always be life changing. Integrating the use of crystals in addition to Reiki will always ensure you achieve a greater sense of equilibrium, serenity and change.

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